2018 |
Pharmaceuticals. The International
Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Wiley Online Library. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118924396.wbiea1757.
2017 |
Les médicaments sur
un marché camerounais. Reconsidération de la commodification
et de la pharmaceuticalisation de la santé. Anthropologie &
Santé 14 | 2017: 1-17. [pdf] |
2012 |
Discussing and testing efficacy:
The never-ending debate about ‘traditional/alternative’ and ‘bio-medicines’.
Revue Internationale sur le Médicament (RIM) 4 (1). [pdf] |
2012 |
Intérêt de la
perspective multi-niveaux en anthropologie du médicament. Ethnopharmacologia
n°48 (juillet 2012): 7-13. [pdf] |
2011 |
(with Kerry Chamberlain) Researching
the life stages of medicines: Introduction. Medische Antropologie
23 (2): 231-241. [pdf]
2011 |
(with S.R. Whyte) O encanto
dos medicamentos:metáforas e metonímias. Sociedade e
Cultura 14 (2): 457-472. (Portuguese translation of 'The charm of
medicines', 1989). [pdf] |
2011 |
(with S.R. Whyte) Zaufanie
i sceptycyzm – Zmiany postaw [Trust and scepticism – Changing attitudes
towards pharmaceuticals] LUD 95: 93-103. [pdf] |
2011 |
The urgency of pharmaceutical
anthropology: A multilevel perspective. Curare 34 (1-2): 9-15. [pdf] |
2010 |
(with J. Kinsman & A.
Hardon) La chaîne des médicaments en tant que phénomène
multiniveau : Le cas des médicaments antirétroviraux.
Notes méthodologiques et théoriques. Dans C. Garnier
et A.L. Saives (coll.), Turbulences dans la chaîne des médicaments.
Les éditions Liber, Montréal, pp. 39-64.[text] |
2010 |
Why are pharmaceuticals sometimes
liked and sometimes disliked? Viennese Ethnomedicine Newsletter 12
(2-3): 15-21.[pdf]
2009 |
Bookreview of: The problem
of money: African agency and western medicine in Northern Ghana (Bernhard
Bierlich) African Affairs 108 (432): 495-496. [pdf] |
2007 |
声誉和怀疑 (Patients’ beliefs
about pharmaceutical drugs: Popularity and scepticism). Chinese
Journal of New Drugs 16(21): 1725-1730. [text] |
2007 |
Comment (On: C. Hayden “A
generic solution?”). Current Anthropology 48 (4): 492. [text] |
2006 |
(with Anita Hardon)Social and cultural efficacies of medicines:
Complications for antiretroviral therapy. Journal of Ethnobiology
and Ethnomedicine 2006, 2:48. [open
access] |
2006 |
Anthropology and the pharmaceutical nexus. Anthropological Quarterly
79 (2): 303-14. [pdf] |
2003 |
Bookreview of: Christus als
Apotheker: Ursprung, Aussage and Geschichte eines christlichen Sinnbildes
(F. Krafft) ISIS Journal of the History of Science Society 94 (3):
512-13. [pdf] |
2003 |
(with S.R. Whyte)
Popularité et scepticisme: Opinions contrastées sur les médicaments.
Anthropologie & Sociétés 27 (2): 97-117. [pdf] |
2003 |
(with P.W. Geissler)
Editorial: Should medicines be kept away from children? African considerations.
Tropical Medicine & International Health 8 (2): 97-99.
[pdf] |
2002 |
Drug vendors and their market:
The commodification of health in Cameroon. Unpublished ms. [pdf] |
2002 |
(with S.R. Whyte & A.
Hardon) Social lives of medicines: Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. [pdf] |
2002 |
(with S.R. Whyte & A.
Hardon) Social lives of medicines: Conclusion. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. [pdf] |
2002 |
Foreword. In: Aryanti Radyowijati
& Hilbrand Haak, Determinants of antimicrobal use in the developing
world. USAID, Child Health Research Project Special Report Volume
4 Nr 1, pp. 1-2. [pdf] |
2000 |
The practicality
of metaphors and metonyms: Illness and medicines in Burkina Faso and
beyond. In: W. Geissler & L. Meinert (eds) Proceedings of Workshop
on People and Medicines in East Africa. Copenhagen: Danish Bilharziasis
Laboratory, pp. 45-54.
[text] |
2000 |
(With J. Kamwanga, M. Macwan’gi,
A. Mazimba, D. Mulikelela & M. Mwangelwa) What did Health Reforms
in Zambia achieve? Health Policy & Planning 15 (1): 59-65.
[pdf] |
1999 |
Het helend vermogen van kunstproductie.
Pharmaceutisch Weekblad 143 (47): 1630-32. [pdf] |
1999 |
Training shopkeepers
and schoolchildren in medicine use: Experiments in applied medical
anthropology in East Africa. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 13 (2):
253-55. [pdf] |
1998 |
Use and misuse
of pharmaceuticals: Anthropological comments. In: P. Streefland (ed)
Problems and potential in international health: Transdisciplinary
perspectives. Amsterdam: KIT Press/Het Spinhuis, pp. 195-214. [pdf]
1996 |
Grasping the children’s
point of view: An anthropological reflection. In: P. Bush et al. (eds)
Children, medicines and culture. New York / London: Hayworth Press,
pp. 337-46. [pdf] |
1996 |
(with A. Hardon
and S.R. Whyte) The anthropology of pharmaceuticals: A biographical
approach. Annual Review of Anthropology 25:153-78. [pdf]
1994 |
Medische technologie
in cultureel perspectief: Inleiding. In: S. van der Geest e.a. (red)
De macht der dingen. Medische technologie in cultureel perspectief.
Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, pp. 1-19. |
1994 |
(with A. Hardon)
De kracht van injecties: Sociale en culturele aspecten. In: S. van
der Geest et al. (eds) De macht der dingen: Medische technologie in
cultureel perspectief. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, pp. 138-58. [pdf] |
1994 |
(with S. Whyte)
Injections: Issues and methods for anthropological research. In: N.L.
Etkin & M.L. Tan (eds) Pharmaceuticals: Meanings and contexts.
Quezon City: HAIN, pp. 137-61. [pdf] |
1994 |
Christ as a pharmacist:
Medical symbols in German devotion. Social Science & Medicine
39 (5): 727-32.
[pdf] |
1993 |
uit planten: Culturele complicaties. Cahiers Biowetenschappen en Maatschappij
17 (1): 25- 33. |
1993 |
(with Adèle Meulenbroek)
Metaphors, metonyms and homeopathy: Terms of illness and therapy among
Mossi people in Burkina Faso. Curare 16 (3/4): 285-90. [pdf] |
1992 |
Village health
workers as medicine sellers? Health Planning & Management 7 (3):
185-97. [pdf] |
1991 |
(with S.R. Whyte) The charm
of medicines: Reply. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 5 (2): 172-174
[pdf] |
1991 |
Marketplace conversations
in Cameroon: how and why popular medical knowledge comes into being.
Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry 15 (1): 69-90. [pdf] |
1990 |
Medicijn, metafoor
en metonymia. Medische Antropologie 2 (1): 3-29. [pdf] |
1990 |
(with A. Hardon
& S.R. Whyte) Planning for essential drugs: are we missing the
cultural dimension? Health Policy & Planning 5 (2): 182-5.
[pdf] |
1990 |
(with A. Hardon)
Self medication in developing countries. Journal of Social & Administrative
Pharmacy 7 (4): 199-204. [pdf] |
1990 |
Medicijn, metafoor
en metonymia; repliek. Medische Antropologie 2 (2): 227-31. [pdf] |
1989 |
(with K. de Graaf)
De toegevoegde kracht: geneesmiddelen bij tien Guiziga families in
Noord Kameroen. In: S. van der Geest & G. Nijhof (eds) Ziekte,
gezondheidszorg en cultuur. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, pp. 110-9. [pdf] |
1989 |
Essentiële geneesmiddelen:
een antropologische kanttekening. In: S. van der Geest & G. Nijhof
(eds) Ziekte, gezondheidszorg en cultuur. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis,
pp. 120-6 (cf. 1988) [pdf] |
1989 |
(with S.R. Whyte)
The charm of medicines: metaphors and metonyms. Medical Anthropology
Quarterly 3 (4): 345-67. [pdf] |
1989 |
als medicijnverkopers: de toekomst van Primary Health Care? Medische
Antropologie 1 (1): 70-81. [pdf] |
1988 |
"De praestigiis
daemonum": medicijngebruik in de Derde Wereld. Medisch Contact
43 (24): 753-4. [pdf] |
1988 |
(with S.R. Whyte)
Medicines in context: an introduction. In: S. van der Geest &
S.R. Whyte (eds) The context of medicines in developing countries:
studies in pharmaceutical anthropology. Dordrecht: Reidel. pp. 3-11.
[pdf] |
1988 |
The articulation
of formal and informal medicine distribution in South Cameroon. In:
S. van der Geest & S.R. Whyte (eds) The context of medicines in
developing countries: studies in pharmaceutical anthropology. Dordrecht:
Reidel. pp. 131-48 (cf. 1985). |
1988 |
De onbekende medicijngebruikers
in de Derde Wereld. Medicus Tropicus 26(3): 2. [pdf]
1988 |
antropology: perspectives for research and application. In: S. van
der Geest & S.R. Whyte (eds) The context of medicines in developing
countries: studies in pharmaceutical anthropology. Dordrecht: Reidel.
pp. 329-66. [pdf] |
1988 |
De onzichtbare
hand van de dokter: Profarmacies in Kameroen. Sociologische Gids 35(6):
366-79. [pdf] |
1988 |
Essentiële geneesmiddelen:
een antropologische kanttekening. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad 123: 1101-1104.
1988 |
(with A. Hardon)
Western pharmaceuticals in Third World countries: methodological suggestions
for field research. Health Planning & Policy 3(2):152-8.
[pdf] |
1987 |
Pharmaceuticals in the Third World: the local perspective. Social
Science & Medicine 25(3): 273-6.
[pdf] |
1987 |
(with A. Hardon) Discovering
the consumer. HAI News October 1987, pp. 1-2,12. [pdf] |
1987 |
Self care and
the informal sale of drugs in South Cameroon. Social Science &
Medicine 25(3):293-305.
[pdf] |
1987 |
Unequal access
to pharmaceuticals in Southern Cameroon: The context of a problem.
In: B.E.Jackson & A. Ugalde (eds) The impact of development and
modern technologies in Third World Health. Williamsburg: Studies in
Third World Societies. pp. 141-66. [pdf] |
1987 |
(with A.P. Hardon)
Hazards of self medication. World Health Forum 8(4): 469-71. [pdf] |
1986 |
(with R. Welsch) Einige Gedanken
zur pharmazeutischen Ethnologie. Salix: Zeitschrift für Ethnomedizin
2 (2): 7 -16. [pdf] |
1986 |
Health care as
politics? "Missed chances" in rural Cameroon. In: W. van
Binsbergen, F. Reyntjes & G. Hesseling (eds) State and local community
in Africa. Brussels: CEDAF/ASDOC, Cahier 2 3 4/1986, Serie 2, pp.
241-60. [pdf] |
1986 |
Gezond geneesmiddelenbeleid
Derde Wereld. Wemos Bulletin 8 (4):12-13. [pdf] |
1986 |
De antropoloog,
de industrie en zelf medikatie in de Derde Wereld. In: M. Braakman
(red) Gezondheidszorg en kultuur kritische bekeken. Groningen: Konstapel,
pp. 109-18. [pdf] |
1985 |
De informele medicijnhandel
in Zuid Kameroen. In: P. van Gelder & Th. Crump (eds) De informele
sector in de landen van de derde wereld. Essays over Nicaragua, Suriname,
Mexico, Kameroen en Indonesië. Amsterdam: AWIC/Cansa. pp. 115-64. |
1985 |
Marketing myths:
Selling drugs in the Third World. Medicine in Society 2 (2): 41-5.
[pdf] |
1985 |
The intertwining
of formal and informal medicine distribution in South Cameroon. Canadian
Journal of African Studies 19 (3): 569-87. [pdf] |
1985 |
Westerse medicijnen
in niet Westerse maatschappijen: over farmaceutisch antropologisch
onderzoek. Nieuwsbrief Medische Antropologie 3 (1/2): 2-15. |
1985 |
(with A. Hardon)
Onderzoek naar dubieuze praktijken in de verstrekking en het gebruik
van geneesmiddelen: enkele methologische suggesties. Nieuwsbrief Medische
Antropologie 3 (1/2): 64-8. |
1985 |
Tetracycline against children’s
diarrhoea: A note from South Cameroon. [unpublished note] [pdf]
1984 |
Anthropology and
pharmaceuticals in developing countries. Medical Anthropology Quarterly
15 (3):59 62 [pdf];
and (4):87-90.
1984 |
in de Derde Wereld: hoever gaat de verantwoordelijkheid van de farmaceutische
industrie? Intermediair 20 (5):31-3. [pdf] |
1984 |
Bookreview of: Planning Pharmaceuticals
for Primary Health Care (O. Gish & L.L. Geller), Tropical Doctor
14 (1): 13-16. [pdf]
1983 |
a problematic means of drug distribution in rural Cameroon. Tropical
Doctor 13 (1):9-13. [pdf] |
1983 |
for patients: selling drugs in developing countries. Pharmacy International
4 (2):42-44. [pdf] |
1983 |
in de derde wereld: vrije verkoop en misbruik. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad
118 (35):723-32. |
1983 |
Mensen en medicijnen
in Kameroen: de verwevenheid van formele en informele medicijnvoorziening.
Gezondheid en Samenleving 4 (4): 216-25. [pdf] |
1983 |
onderzoek voor de derde wereld. Wetenschap en Samenleving 1983/6:
37-44. [pdf] |
1982 |
The illegal distribution
of western medicines in developing countries: pharmacists, drug pedlars,
injection doctors and others. A bibliographic exploration. Medical
Anthropology 6 (4): 197-219. [pdf] |
1982 |
The secondary
importance of primary health care in South Cameroon. Culture, Medicine
& Psychiatry 6: 365-83. [pdf] |
1982 |
The efficiency
of inefficiency: medicine distribution in South Cameroon. Social Science
& Medicine 16 (24): 2145-53.
[pdf] |
1981 |
Under the counter
medicines in developing countries. Pharmacy International 2 (12):280-3.
[pdf] |
n.d. |
Medicijnen in een brede context:
Een onderzoek in Kameroen. Een notitie voor de workshop ‘Linkages’.
Ongepubliceerd. [pdf] |
n.d. |
Pharmaceuticals in Cameroon:
The context of problems and solutions. Unpublished manuscript. [pdf] |