Publications by topic - medical anthropology

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N.B.: All publications marked with * have appeared under the pseudonym of Wolf Bleek.

Books and special issues

2014 (editor with Trudie Gerrits & Julia Challinor) Medical anthropology: Essays and reflections from an Amsterdam graduate programme. Diemen: AMB Publishers. [pdf]
2012-2013 (editor with Kristine Krause & Kodjo Senah) Health and health care in Ghana. Special double issue Ghana Studies 15/16. [pdf]
2011 (with Fuusje de Graaff, Anneke L. Francke & Maria E.T.C. van den Muijsenbergh) Communicatie en besluitvorming in de palliatieve zorg voor Turkse en Marokkaanse patiënen met kanker. Amsterdam, Spinhuis, UvA. [pdf]
2010 (editor with E. van der Sijpt & T. Gerrits) Medical anthropology in the Netherlands. Viennese Ethnomedicine Newsletter 12 (2-3) [open access]
2010 (editor with Anja Hiddinga, Jeannette Pols & Deanna Trakas) Care & health care. Special issue Medische Antropologie 22 (1). [link]
2010 (editor with Rebekah Park) Doing and living medical anthropology: Personal reflections. Diemen: AMB.[pdf]
2009 (editor with Ajay Bailey) Bringing health research to Practical Use: How, Why and for Whom. Special issue Medische Antropologie 21 (2). [link]
2009 (editor with Alexander Edmonds) Beauty & health. Special issue Medische Antropologie 21 (1). [link]
2009 (editor with M. Tankink) Theory and action: Essays for an anthropologist. Diemen: Uitgeverij AMB. [contents] [pdf]
2008 (editor with Anke Niehof) Resilience and health-related adversity. Special issue Medische Antropologie 20 (2).  [link]
2008 (editor with Nasima Selin & Shahaduz Zaman) Daily health concerns in Kakabo: Anthropological explorations in a Bangladeshi village.  Dhaka: BRAC University, A James P. Grant School of Public Health Publication. Monograph Series 9. [pdf]
2008 (editor with Sofie Vandamme) Sickness and Love. Special issue Medische Antropologie 20 (1). [link]
2006 (editor with Geert Mommersteeg) Het bed / The bed.  Special issue Medische Antropologie 18 (1).  [link]
2004 (editor with Kaja Finkler) Hospital ethnography. Special half issue Social Science & Medicine 59 (10).
2002 (editor with R. Reis) Ethnocentrism: Reflections on medical anthropology. Amsterdam: Aksant. [pdf]
2001 (with A. Hardon et al.) Manual: Applied health research. Amsterdam: Aksant, 2nd revised edition. [pdf]
1999 (with J. Kamwanga & M. Macwan gi) Health reforms and the quality of health care in Zambia. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis. [pdf]
1998 (editor with A. Rienks) The art of medical anthropology: Readings. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis. [out of print] [contents]
1995 "Hoe gaat t?" Vijf opmerkingen over medische antropologie en etnocentrisme. Inaugurale rede. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis. [text]
1995 (red) Ambivalentie / ambigu teit. Antropologische notities. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis. [pdf]
1995 (editor) Geheim. Special issue Medische Antropologie 7 (1).[link]
1994 (editor with P. ten Have, G. Nijhof & P. Verbeek-Heida) De macht der dingen: Medische technologie in cultureel perspectief. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis. [inhoud]
1994 (editor with Els van Dongen) Zintuigen. Special issue Medische Antropologie 6 (1). [link]
1989 (editor with G. Nijhof) Ziekte, gezondheidszorg en cultuur: Verkenningen in de medische antropologie en sociologie. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.  [inhoud]
1983 (editor with R. Devisch, W.F. Buschkens & K.W. van der Veen) Medische Antropologie, special issue Antropologische Verkenningen 2 (3) (257 pp). [inhoud]
1979 editor with K.W. van der Veen) In search of health: Essays in medical anthropology. Amsterdam: Antropologisch Sociologisch Centrum (170 pp). [contents]
2024 Embracing uncertainty. In: Bernhard Hadolt & Andrea Stöckl (eds.) Hope and Uncertainty in Health and Medicine: Imagining the Pragmatics of Medical Potential. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, pp. 25-38. [pdf]
2021 (with Filip De Boeck) Obituary: René Devisch (1944 2020). Medicine Anthropology Theory. [pdf]
2019 (with Sahienshadebie Ramdas) Not-knowing and the proliferation of assumptions: local explanations of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Suriname. Anthropology & Medicine 27 (2): 144-159. DOI: 10.1080/13648470.2019.1627654 [pdf]
2019 (with Ursula M. Read) Introduction to special issue on intimacy, morality, and precarity: Globalization and family care in Africa Insights from Ghana. Africa Today 65 (3): vii-xxi. [pdf]
2019 (with Jonathan M. Dapaah & Benjamin K. Kwansa) Avoided family care, diverted intimacy: How people with HIV find new kinship in two Ghanaian hospitals. In: Ursula Read & Sjaak van der Geest (eds) Intimacy, morality, and precarity: Globalization and family care in Africa Insights from Ghana. Special issue Africa Today 65 (3): 31-46. [pdf]
2019 Remembering Deanna Jeanne Trakas (1943-2016). Medicine Anthropology Theory (MAT) 6 (1): 1 4; [pdf]
2018 Remembering Corlien M. Varkevisser (1937 2017). Medicine Anthropology Theory (MAT) 5 (4): 1 13. [pdf]
2018 Foreword. In: Gerhard Nijhof, Sickness work: Personal reflections of a sociologist. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. vii-xii. [pdf]
2016 Comment on Hans Baer et al. Rebranding our Field? Towards an articulation of Health Anthropology. Current Anthropology 57 (4): 494-510. [pdf] [pp.505-507]
2016 Remembering Klaas Willem van der Veen (1930 2016). Medicine Anthropology Theory (MAT) 3 (2): 1-10. [pdf]
2016 (with Sahienshadebie Ramdas & Henk D.F.H. Schallig) Nuancing stigma through ethnography: The case of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Suriname. Social Science & Medicine 151: 139-146 [pdf].
2015 Hoe bestaat het!? Etnografie als magisch realisme en de ontdekking van het alledaagse.
Afscheidsrede, Medische Antropologie, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2 juli 2015 [unpublished] [pdf]
2015 Wisdom and counselling: A note on advising people with HIV/AIDS in Ghana. African Journal of AIDS Research (AJAR), DOI: 10.2989/16085906.2015.1055580.
2015 Foreword. In: Sjoerd Rijpma, David Livingstone and the myth of African poverty and disease. Leiden: Brill, pp. xi-xvi. [text]
2015 Alien origins: Xenophilia and the rise of medical anthropology in the Netherlands. In: Elisabeth Hsu & Caroline Potter (eds) Medical anthropology in Europe: Shaping the field. London & New York: Routledge, pp. 11-18. Reprint from 2012.
2014 (with Trudie Gerrits, Julia Challinor & Ria Reis) Introduction: Essays in medical anthropology and the AMMA experience. In: S. van der Geest, T. Gerrits & J. Challinor (eds) Medical anthropology: Essays and reflections from an Amsterdam graduate programme. Diemen: AMB Publishers, pp. 1-14. [pdf]
2014 Medical anthropology. In: William C. Cockerham, Robert Dingwall & Stella R. Quah (eds) The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. DOI: 10.1002/9781118410868.wbehibs487 [pdf]
2014 Overcoming ethnocentrism: How social science and medicine relate and should relate to one another. In: Gates, E. Nathaniel (ed) The Concept of Race" in Natural and Social Science." London: Routledge, pp. 173-177 [reprint of 1995]
2013 Het water te diep? Antropologen en patiëntenonderzoekers. In: Christine Dedding & Meralda Slager (red) De rafels van participatie in de gezondheidszorg: Van participerende patiënt naar participerende omgeving. Den Haag: Boom Lemma, pp. 89-98. [pdf]
2012-2013 (with Kristine Krause) Introduction: Studying health and health care in Ghana. Ghana Studies 15/16: 7-39. [pdf]
2012 Uma fascinação cultural pela medicina: A antropología médica nos Países Baixos. In: Francine Saillant & Serge Genest (eds) Antropologia médica: Ancoragens locais, desafios globais. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Fiocruz, pp. 259-284. (translated from the French version by Vera Lucia dos Reis) [pdf]
2012 Bookreview of: Suffering and sentiment: Exploring the vicissitudes of experience and pain in Yap (S.J. Throop) Medische Antropologie 24 (1): 239-41. [pdf]
2012 (with René Devisch, Eileen Moyer & Vinh-Kim Nguyen) Preface / Postface: Medische Antropologie 1989-2012. Medische Antropologie 24 (2): 257-63. [pdf]
2012 (with Alexander de Graeff, Patrick Mistiaen, Fuusje de Graaf et al.) Palliatieve zorg voor mensen met een niet-westerse achtergrond: Een handreiking met adviezen. NTPZ Nederlands-Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Palliatieve Zorg 12(2): 4-20. [pdf]
2012 (with Fuusje M. de Graaff, Anneke L. Francke, Maria E.T.C. van den Muijsenbergh) Understanding and improving communication and decision-making in palliative care for Turkish and Moroccan immigrants: A multiperspective study. Ethnicity & Health 17(4):363-84. [pdf]
2012 (with Fuusje M. de Graaff, Anneke L. Francke, Maria E.T.C. van den Muijsenbergh) Talking in triads: Communication with Turkish and Moroccan immigrants in the palliative phase of cancer. Journal of Clinical Nursing 21(21-22): 3143-52. [pdf]
2012 (with Emmanuel Kanchebe Derbile) Repackaging exemptions under National Health Insurance in Ghana: How can access to care for the poor be improved? Health Policy and Planning 2012; doi: 10.1093/heapol/czs098. [open access]
2012 Alien origins: Xenophilia and the rise of medical anthropology in the Netherlands. Anthropology & Medicine 19 (1): 9-16. [pdf]
2011 (with Mistiaen, P. et al.) Handreiking: Palliatieve zorg aan mensen met niet-westerse achtergrond. Utrecht: Nivel. [pdf]
2010 Introducing Health and Health Care . Medische Antropologie 22 (1): 1-6. [pdf]
2010 Aangeraakt worden: Het gevaar van welkome intimiteit In: A. Oderwald, K. Neuvel & W. van Tilburg (red) Besmet. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom, pp. 17-28.[pdf]
2010 Rumpelstiltskin: The magic of the right word. In: Arko Oderwald, Willem van Tilburg & Koos Neuvel (eds) Unfamiliar knowledge: Psychiatric disorders in literature. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom, pp. 37-44. [pdf]
2010 (with E. van der Sijpt & T. Gerrits) Introduction. Viennese Ethnomedicine Newsletter 12 (2-3): 3-6.[pdf]
2010 (with Fuusje de Graaff, Anneke L. Francke & Maria E.T.C. van den Muijsenbergh) Communicatie en besluitvorming in de palliatieve zorg voor Turkse en Marokkaanse patiënen met kanker. Amsterdam, Spinhuis, UvA. [pdf]
2010 Patients as co-researchers? Views and experiences in Dutch medical anthropology. In: S. Fainzang, H.E. Hem & M.B. Risør (eds) The taste for knowledge: Medical anthropology facing medical realities. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, pp. 97-110.[pdf]
2010 (with Adèle Meulenbroek) Concretisering door metafoor en metonymia: Over de verbeelding, verklaring en ervaring van ziekte en genezing. Jaarboek Integrale Geneeskunde 2010/2011. Naar een geïntegreerde theorie van ziekte en gezondheid. Harderwijk: Stichting TIG, pp. 25-33. [pdf]
2010 (with F.M. de Graaff, A.L. Francke & M.E.T.C. van den Muijsenbergh) 'Palliative care': a contradiction in terms? A qualitative study of cancer patients with a Turkish or Moroccan background, their relatives and care providers. BMC Palliative Care 9:19 [open access]
2010 (with Rebekah Park) Doing and living medical anthropology: An introduction. In: R. Park & S. van der Geest (eds) Doing and living medical anthropology: Personal reflections. Diemen: AMB, pp. 1-9.[pdf]
2010 Thick and thinned description: How useful can medical anthropology be? In: R. Park & S. van der Geest (eds) Doing and living medical anthropology: Personal reflections. Diemen: AMB, pp. 91-106.[pdf]
2010 Vergeefse levens. Karakter: Tijdschrift van Wetenschap Nummer 29, pp. 25-27. [text]
2009 (with A. Bailey) Introduction: Bringing health research to practical use. Medische Antropologie 21 (2): 215-221. [pdf]
2009 (with A. Kleinman) Care in health care: Remaking the moral world of medicine. Medische Antropologie 21 (1): 159-168. [pdf]
2009 (with A. Edmonds) Introducing Beauty and Health . Medische Antropologie 21 (1): 5-19. [pdf]
2008 (with Sofie Vandamme) Sickness and Love: An introduction. Medische Antropologie 20 (1): 5-11. [pdf]

(with Nasima Selim) Introduction. In: S. van der Geest et al. (eds) Daily health concerns in Kakabo: Anthropological explorations in a Bangladeshi village.  Dhaka: BRAC University, A James P. Grant School of Public Health Publication. Monograph Series 9. pp. 11-14. [pdf]


(with Marcel J. H. Ari s, Hanneke Joosten & Harry H. J. Wegdam) Fracture treatment by bonesetters in central Ghana: Patients explain their choices and experiences. Tropical Medicine & International Health 12 (4): 564-574. [pdf]


Is it possible to understand illness and suffering? Medische Antropologie 19 (1): 9-22. [pdf]


A cultural fascination with medicine: Medical anthropology in The Netherlands. In: F. Saillant & S. Genest (eds) Medical anthropology: Regional perspectives and shared concerns. Oxford, etc.: Blackwell, pp. 162-182. [pdf]

2006 (with Geert Mommersteeg) Beds and culture: Introduction. Medische Antropologie 18 (1): 7-17. [pdf]
2006 Sleeping in Kwahu, Ghana. Medische Antropologie 18 (1): 73-86.[pdf]
2005 Bookreview of: Illness and irony. On the ambiguity of suffering in culture (Michael Lambek & Paul Antze, eds) Focaal 45: 169-70. [pdf]
2005 Une fascination culturelle pour la médecine: l'anthropologie médicale aux Pays-Bas. In: F. Saillant & S. Genest (eds) Anthropologie médicale. Ancrages locaux, défis globaux. Québec/Paris: PUL/Anthropos, pp. 261-88. [pdf]
2005 Bed en beddengoed: Antropologische notities. Medische Antropologie 17 (1): 117-39. [pdf]
2004 Pijn, geen woorden. In: A. Oderwald, K. Neuvel & C. Hertogh (red) Pijn. Over literatuur en lijden. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom, pp. 57-64. [pdf]
2003 (with Nadra Abdalla & Jeanet van de Korput) Social studies of health and health care: Research in medical anthropology, medical sociology and science and technology dynamics, University of Amsterdam. An overview of projects and publications (1997-2002). Amsterdam: Aksant. [pdf_cover] [pdf]
2003 Ziekte : sociale en culturele voorstellingen. In: C.W. Aakster & J.W. Groothoff (red) Medische Sociologie: Sociologische perspectieven op ziekte en zorg. Groningen: Wolters-Noordhoff, pp. 47-55. [text]
2002 Het gewantrouwde lichaam. In: F. Meulenberg, J. van der Meer & A.K. Oderwald (red) Ziektebeelden. Essays over literatuur en geneeskunde. Utrecht: Lemma, pp. 219-24. [text]
2002 Integration or fatal embrace? The uneasy relationship between indigenous and Western medicine. Curare 25 (1+2): 155-159. (reprint of 1985) [pdf]
2002 Introduction: Ethnocentrism and medical anthropology. In: S. van der Geest & R. Reis (eds) Ethnocentrism: Reflections on medical anthropology. Amsterdam: Aksant, pp. 1-23. [pdf]
2002 (with Ria Reis) Conclusion: Ethnocentrism and medical anthropology. In: S. van der Geest & R. Reis (eds) Ethnocentrism: Reflections on medical anthropology. Amsterdam: Aksant, pp. 136-142 [pdf]
2000 (With J. Kamwanga, M. Macwan gi, A. Mazimba, D. Mulikelela & M. Mwangelwa) What did Health Reforms in Zambia achieve? Health Policy & Planning 15 (1): 59-65. [pdf]
2000 Integrazione o abbraccio fatale? La difficile relazione tra la medicina indigena e la medicina occidentale. In: P. Schirripa & P. Vulpiani (eds) L 'ambulatorio del guaritore. Forme e oratiche
del confronto tra biomedicina e medicinar tradizionali in Africa e nelle Americhe. Lecce, ltalia: ARGO Editrice, pp. 55-66. (Translated from 'Integration or fatal embrace?', 1985). [pdf]
2000 The practicality of metaphors and metonyms: Illness and medicines in Burkina Faso and beyond. In: W. Geissler & L. Meinert (eds) Proceedings of Workshop on People and Medicines in East Africa. Copenhagen: Danish Bilharziasis Laboratory, pp. 45-54. [text]
1999 (with J. Kamwanga & M. Macwan gi) Health reforms and the quality of health care in Zambia. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis. [text]
1999 Het helend vermogen van kunstproductie. Pharmaceutisch Weekblad 143 (47): 1630-32. [pdf]
1998 Markt, cultuur en gezondheid. In: A. Gevers (red) Uit de Zevende: Vijftig jaar politieke en sociaal-culturele wetenschappen aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, pp. 347-50. [text]
1998 Spirituele genezing: Een soort pleonasme. In: B. Voorsluis (red) Religie tussen therapie en trauma: Over spirituele genezing. Zoetermeer: Meinema, pp. 77-96. [pdf]
1997 Placebo ergo sum: Towards an anthropological understanding of medical practices. In: Health and diseases: Courses and prospects. Genova: Erga Edizioni.
1997 Overvloed en onbehagen: Over medische pluraliteit ginds. Medicus Tropicus 35 (4): 4-7. [pdf]
1997 Is there a role for traditional medicine in basic health services in Africa? A plea for a community perspective. Tropical Medicine & International Health 2 (9): 903-11. [pdf]
1997 De cultuur van au : Over antropologie en pijn. Wijsgerig Perspectief 38 (2): 55-59. [pdf]
1997 Ten geleide: Geluk. Medische Antropologie 9 (2): 285-87. [pdf]
1997 Cultuur als placebo. In: M. ter Borg, S. van der Geest & J. Janssen Op zoek naar hoop: Over genezing, magie en religie. Nijmegen: KSGV, pp. 39-58. [pdf]
1996 Grasping the children s point of view: An anthropological reflection. In: P. Bush et al. (eds) Children, medicines and culture. New York / London: Hayworth Press, pp. 337-46. [pdf]
1996 Het vreemde begin van de medische antropologie in Nederland. Medische Antropologie 8 (2): 324-39.[pdf]
1996 (with D.E. Moerman et al.) Placebo effects and research in alternative and conventional medicine. Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine 2 (2): 141-48. [pdf]
1995 Ambigu teit / ambivalentie. Een inleiding. In: S. van der Geest (red) Ambivalentie / ambigu teit. Antropologische notities. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, pp. 4-17. [pdf]
1995 Editorial. Overcoming ethnocentrism: How social science and medicine relate and should relate to one another. Social Science & Medicine 40 (7): 869-72. [pdf]
1995 Ten geleide: Geheim. Medische Antropologie 7 (1): 1-6. [pdf]
1995 Placebo ergo sum: Naar een antropologische interpretatie van medisch handelen. Medisch Contact 50 (51/52): 1659-63. [pdf]
1995 The efficacy of traditional medicine (and biomedicine). In: K van der Velden et al. (eds) Health matters: Pubic health in North-South perspective. Houten/Diegem: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum, pp. 360-5. [pdf]
1994 Bookreview of: Milk, honey and money. Changing concepts in Rwanda healing (C.C. Taylor), Africa 64 (2): 289-91. [pdf]
1994 Medische technologie in cultureel perspectief: Inleiding. In: S. van der Geest e.a. (red) De macht der dingen. Medische technologie in cultureel perspectief. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, pp. 1-19. [pdf]
1994 (with A. Hardon) De kracht van injecties: Sociale en culturele aspecten. In: S. van der Geest et al. (eds) De macht der dingen: Medische technologie in cultureel perspectief. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, pp. 138-58. [pdf]
1994 (with S. Whyte) Injections: Issues and methods for anthropological research. In: N.L. Etkin & M.L. Tan (eds) Pharmaceuticals: Meanings and contexts. Quezon City: HAIN, pp. 137-61. [pdf]
1994 Christ as a pharmacist: Medical symbols in German devotion. Social Science & Medicine 39 (5): 727-32. [pdf]
1994 Tropische geneeskunde en medische antropologie: Een pleidooi voor interdisciplinariteit. Medicus Tropicus 32 (2): 3-6. [pdf]
1994 Het geheim: Antropologische en medisch-antropologische opmerkingen. Medische Antropologie 6 (1): 132-55. [pd
1994 De in- en uitgebeelde ziekte: Een antropologische visie op lichamelijke klachten. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie 49: 264-71. [pdf]
1994 Medisch contact? Over de aanraking van de dokter: een terreinverkenning. Medisch Contact 49 (33/34): 1045-7. [pdf]
1994 (with A. Hardon et al.) Applied health research manual: Anthropology of health and health care. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.
1994 Bookreview of: Falsch gehandeld - Schwer erkraukt. Kranksein bei den Yupno in Papua New Guinea aus ethnologischer und biomedizinischer Sicht (V. Keck), Social Science & Medicine 29 (8): 1118-19. [pdf]
1993 Bookreview of: Anthropology & International Health (M. Nichter), Social Science & Medicine 37 (7): 953-955. [pdf]
1993 Zin en zintuig in gezondheid en ziekte: Voorbeschouwing op een symposium. Medische Antropologie 5 (1): 63-9 . [pdf]
1993 (with Ad le Meulenbroek) Metaphors, metonyms and homeopathy: Terms of illness and therapy among Mossi people in Burkina Faso. Curare 16 (3/4): 285-90. [pdf]
1993 (with A. Baza, A. Hakizimana, K. Hanson & F. Kwizera) Health insurance and the Bamako Initiative in Burundi: Value for money? International Journal of Health Planning and Management 8 (2): 129-35. [abstract]
1992 Is paying for health care culturally acceptable in Sub Saharan Africa? Money and tradition. Social Science & Medicine 34 (6): 667 73. [pdf]
1991 Repliek (Aan Elly Engelkes' "De verwondering van een medicus over de medische antropologie") Medische Antropologie 3 (1): 137-139. [pdf]
1991 Marketplace conversations in Cameroon: how and why popular medical knowledge comes into being. Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry 15 (1): 69-90. [pdf]
1991 Ziekte in andere culturen. In: C. Aakster e.a. (red) Medische sociologie. Groningen: Noordhoff Wolters, pp. 68-75.
1991 Bookreview of: Pour une anthropologie de la maladie en France: un regard africaniste (S. Fainzang), Africa 61 (3): 401-3. [pdf]
1990 Hoe medisch is de medische antropologie? Sociodrome 1990/2: 11-5. [pdf]
1990 Geld en traditie in Afrika: Is betalen voor gezondheidszorg cultureel aanvaardbaar? Sociologische Gids 37 (4): 238 51. [pdf]
1990 (with J.D. Speckmann & P. Streefland) Primary Health Care in a multilevel perspective: towards a research agenda. Social Science & Medicine 30 (9): 1025-34. [pdf]
1989 (with G. Nijhof) Inleiding: ziekte, gezondheidszorg en cultuur. In: S. van der Geest & G. Nijhof (eds) Ziekte, gezondheidszorg en cultuur. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, pp. 1-10. [pdf]
1989 (with A. Krumeich) Preventie en cultuur: een voorbeeld uit Suriname. In: S. van der Geest & G. Nijhof (eds) Ziekte, gezondheidszorg en cultuur. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, pp. 39-48. [pdf]
1989 Censorship and medical sociology in The Netherlands. Social Science & Medicine 28 (12): 1339-41. [pdf]
1989 Aha: de omweg van de verwondering in de medische antropologie. Medische Antropologie 1 (2): 190-206. [pdf]
1989 Bookreview of: The professionalisation of African medicine (M. Last & G.L. Chavunduka, eds), Africa 59 (1): 133-136. [pdf]
1987 Bookreview of:Der böse Blick (Th. Hauschild), Anthropos 82 (1-3): 306-307. [pdf]
1987 Tegenstrijdigheden in Primary Health Care : een Schakelingen perspectief. Sociologische Gids 24(2): 98-116. [pdf]
1987 Theoretical orientations and medical anthropology. The Journal of Research & Education in Indian Medicine 4 (3/4): 23-34.
1986 Health care as politics? "Missed chances" in rural Cameroon. In: W. van Binsbergen, F. Reyntjes & G. Hesseling (eds) State and local community in Africa. Brussels: CEDAF/ASDOC, Cahier 2 3 4/1986, Serie 2, pp. 241-60.
1985 Integration or fatal embrace? The uneasy relationship between indigenous and Western medicine. Curare 8 (1): 9-14. [see reprint 2002]
1985 The definition of health. Culture Medicine & Psychiatry 9 (3): 287-94. [pdf]
1985 Gezondheidszorg hier en elders: enkele antropologische overwegingen. Gezondheid & Samenleving 6 (3): 161-71. [pdf]
1985 De verdwijning van medische tradities in ontwikkelingslanden. Imwoo Bulletin 13 (3): 10 12. [pdf]
1984 Primaire gezondheidswerkers in ontwikkelingslanden: Wie? Medisch Contact 39 (10) 311-13. [pdf]
1983 Medische antropologie: Een theoretische terreinverkenning. Antropologische Verkenningen 2 (3):1-38.
1982 Correlerende misverstanden: over Murdock s "Theories of illness". Sociologisch Tijdschrift 9 (1): 157-68. [pdf]
1982 The secondary importance of primary health care in South Cameroon. Culture. Medicine & Psychiatry 6: 365-83. [pdf]
1979 The doctor and the herbalist: views by Ghanaian school pupils. In: S. van der Geest & K.W. van der Veen (eds) In search of health: Essays in medical anthropology. Amsterdam: Antropologisch Sociologisch Centrum, pp. 91-110. * [pdf]
1979 Introduction. In: S. van der Geest & K.W. van der Veen (eds) In search of health: Essays in medical anthropology. Amsterdam: Antropologisch Sociologisch Centrum, pp 1-18. [pdf]

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