Publications by topic - death and dying

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Books and special issues

2010 (with Fuusje de Graaff, Anneke L. Francke & Maria E.T.C. van den Muijsenbergh) Communicatie en besluitvorming in de palliatieve zorg voor Turkse en Marokkaanse patiënen met kanker. Amsterdam, Spinhuis, UvA. [pdf]
2005 (with P. Atuobi & A. O. Boamah) Life, love and death: Conversations with elders in Kwahu-Tafo. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis. [pdf]
2004 (editor with Clive Seale) Good death and bad death. Special issue Social Science & Medicine 58 (5). [contents]
2021 (with Priya Satalkar) Divergent views and experiences regarding completed life and euthanasia in the Netherlands. OMEGA Journal of Death and Dying. DOI: 10.1177/00302228211066681 [pdf]
2021 Comment mourir si la mort est planifiée? Réflexions sur la ritualisation de la mort et l euthanasie dans un monde pluriforme. Anthropologie & Sociétés 45 (1-2): 85-94. [pdf]
2021 (with Priya Satalkar) Thinking about completed life euthanasia in the Netherlands from the Generativity perspective: A reflexive exploration. Anthropology & Aging 42 (1): 128-139; DOI 10.5195/aa.2021.2. [pdf]
2021 Spirit Children : Care, Uncertainty and Infanticide . Medicine Anthropology Theory 8 (1): 1 8. [pdf]
2019 (with Priya Satalkar) Autonomy and dying: Notes about decision-making and completed life euthanasia in the Netherlands. Death Studies. https://doi: 10.1080/07481187.2019.1671543 [pdf] doi: 10.1080/07481187.2019.1671543.
2019 (with Priya Satalkar) Escaping the unprepared generation trap: Discussions about euthanasia after a completed life in the Netherlands. Mortality volume24 [pdf] .
2018 Erfenis als voortzetting van het leven na de dood: Antropologische overwegingen [Inheritance as continuation of life after death: Anthropological reflections]. In: P. de Beer, J. van der Meer, J. Plantenga & W. Salverda (red) Voor wie is de erfenis? [For whom is the inheritance? About freedom, equality and family sentiment]. Amsterdam: Van Gennep, pp. 135-148. [pdf]
2015 Oud worden, sterven en begrafenis vieren: Over pre- en post-mortem zorg in een Ghanees dorp. ICA april 2015: 12-14. [pdf]
2013 Bookreview of: Funerals in Africa: Explorations of a social phenomenon (Michael Jindra & Joël Noret, eds) Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S.) 19: 210-211. [pdf]
2011 Goedaardig. De kunst van het achterblijven. In: A. Oderwald, K. Neuvel & Willem van Tilburg (red) Ontspoorde cellen: Kanker in fictie. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom, pp. 209-216. [pdf]
2010 (with F.M. de Graaff, A.L. Francke & M.E.T.C. van den Muijsenbergh) 'Palliative care': a contradiction in terms? A qualitative study of cancer patients with a Turkish or Moroccan background, their relatives and care providers. BMC Palliative Care 9:19 [pdf]
2009 Bookreview of: And a time to die. How American hospitals shape the end of life. (Sharon R. Kaufman) Medische Antropologie 21 (2): 317-319. [pdf]
2009 End-of-life care in Ghana and the Netherlands: Good death, bad death and euthanasia. In C. Oppong, Ph. Antwi & K. Waerness (eds) Care of the seriously sick and dying: Perspectives of Ghana. Bergen: BRIC, Unifob Global, pp. 265-289. [pdf]
2006 Between death and funeral: Mortuaries and the exploitation of liminality in Kwahu, Ghana. Africa 76 (4): 485-501. [pdf]
2004 (with C. Seale) Good and bad death: Introduction. Social Science & Medicine 58 (5): 883-886. [pdf]
2004 Dying peacefully: Considering good death and bad death in Kwahu-Tafo, Ghana. Social Science & Medicine 58 (5): 899-912. [pdf]
2004 Wilsbekwaamheid: Sociale en culturele kanttekeningen. In: F. Boersma & A. Vellinga (red) Oud en dement: Wilsonbekwaam? Amsterdam: Lundbeck B.V., pp. 29-36. [pdf]
2004 Gastcommentaar. Is goede zelfdood mogelijk? Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie & Geriatrie 35 (3): 93-95. [text]
2003 (with Anne-Marie Niekamp) Ageism and euthanasia in The Netherlands: Questions and conjectures. Mortality 8 (3): 296-304. [pdf]
2002 I want to go! How elderly people in Ghana look forward to death. Ageing & Society 22 (1): 7-28. [pdf]
2000 Funerals for the living: Conversations with elderly people in Ghana. African Studies Review. 43 (3): 103-29. [pdf]
1999 Stervensrituelen. Cul! 6 (1): 4-6,11. [text]
1995 Old people and funerals in a rural Ghanaian community: Ambiguities in family care. Southern African Journal of Gerontology 4 (2): 33-40. [pdf]
1990 Een doodgewone begrafenis. Fotoreportage uit Kameroen. In: P. van de Klashorst (red) Dodendans. Ontdekkingsreis rond de dood in verschillende culturen. Amsterdam: Koninklijk Instituut voor de tropen,pp. 118-23. [pdf]
1990 Culturele tranen op begrafenissen in Ghana. In: P. van de Klashorst (red) Dodendans. Ontdekkingsreis rond de dood in verschillende culturen. Amsterdam: Koninklijk Instituut voor de tropen, pp. 58 71. [pdf]
1990 Dood in Ghana. Intermediair 26 (7): 35-39 (verkorte versie van Culturele tranen ). [pdf]
1987 Het verdriet van de ander: een antropologisch commentaar. Kultuurleven 54(6): 514 20. [text]
1985 Zingen tegen de dood. Ghana Nieuwsbrief 18/19: 54-68. [pdf]
1985 Singing against death. Highlife and funerals. Ghana Newsletter No. 18/19: 53-67.
1984 Death, chaos and Highlife songs: a reply. Research in African Literatures 15(4): 583 88. [pdf]
1980 The image of death in Akan Highlife songs. Research in African Literatures 11 (2): 145 74 (abridged from Dutch version  1979)  [pdf]
1979 Het beeld van de dood in Ghanese Highlife liederen. In: J. van Bremen et al. (eds) Romantropologie. Amsterdam: Antropologisch Sociologisch Centrum, pp.19-51.
1976 Witchcraft, gossip and death: a social drama. Man 12: 526-41.* [pdf]

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