2019 |
(editor with Ursula Read) Intimacy, morality,
and precarity: Globalization and family care in Africa Insights from
Ghana. Special issue Africa Today 65 (3). |
2010 |
(editor with Anja Hiddinga, Jeannette
Pols & Deanna Trakas) Care & health care. Special issue Medische
Antropologie 22 (1). [link] |
2010 |
(with Fuusje de Graaff, Anneke L. Francke
& Maria E.T.C. van den Muijsenbergh) Communicatie en besluitvorming
in de palliatieve zorg voor Turkse en Marokkaanse patiënen met
kanker. Amsterdam, Spinhuis, UvA. [pdf] |
Articles |
2024 |
(with Coleta Platenkamp) Care as tyranny: Miscellaneous observations. Anthropology & Humanism 2024.[open
access] |
2021 |
Vies en walgelijk: De afstotelijke patiënt.
In: Arko Oderwald et al. (red.) Anatomie van de patiënt. Utrecht:
De Tijdstroom, pp. 155-162. [pdf] |
2021 |
Spirit Children : Care, Uncertainty and
Infanticide . Medicine Anthropology Theory 8 (1): 1 8. [pdf] |
2020 |
(with Shahaduz Zaman) Look under the
sheets! Fighting with the senses in relation to defecation and bodily
care in hospitals and care institutions. Forthcoming in Medical Humanities. |
2019 |
(with Ursula M. Read) Introduction to
special issue on intimacy, morality, and precarity: Globalization
and family care in Africa Insights from Ghana. Africa Today 65 (3):
vii-xxi. [pdf]
2019 |
(with Jonathan M. Dapaah & Benjamin
K. Kwansa) Avoided family care, diverted intimacy: How people with
HIV find new kinship in two Ghanaian hospitals. In: Ursula Read &
Sjaak van der Geest (eds) Intimacy, morality, and precarity: Globalization
and family care in Africa Insights from Ghana. Special issue Africa
Today 65 (3): 31-46. [pdf] |
2018 |
Bookreview of:Care /Sorge: Konstruktion,
Reproduktion und Auflösung bedeutsamer Bindungen (Tatjana Thelen)
Medicine Anthropology Theory (MAT) 5 (4): 136-141. [pdf]
2017 |
(with Silvana Rugolotto & Alice Larotonda)
How migrants keep Italian families Italian: Badanti and the
private care of older people. International Journal of Migration,
Health and Social Care 13 (2):185-197, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJMHSC-08-2015-0027
[pdf] |
2012 |
(with Fuusje M. de Graaff, Anneke L. Francke,
Maria E.T.C. van den Muijsenbergh) Understanding and improving communication
and decision-making in palliative care for Turkish and Moroccan immigrants:
A multiperspective study. Ethnicity & Health 17(4):363-84. [pdf] |
2012 |
(with Alexander de Graeff, Patrick Mistiaen,
Fuusje de Graaf et al.) Palliatieve zorg voor mensen met een niet-westerse
achtergrond: Een handreiking met adviezen. NTPZ Nederlands-Vlaams
Tijdschrift voor Palliatieve Zorg 12(2): 4-20. [pdf] |
2011 |
(with Mistiaen, P. et al.) Handreiking:
Palliatieve zorg aan mensen met niet-westerse achtergrond. Utrecht:
Nivel. [pdf] |
2010 |
(with F.M. de Graaff, A.L. Francke &
M.E.T.C. van den Muijsenbergh) 'Palliative care': a contradiction
in terms? A qualitative study of cancer patients with a Turkish or
Moroccan background, their relatives and care providers. BMC Palliative
Care 9:19 [open
access] |
2010 |
Introducing Health and Health Care .
Medische Antropologie 22 (1): 1-6. [pdf] |
2009 |
(with A. Kleinman) Care in health care:
Remaking the moral world of medicine. Medische Antropologie 21 (1):
159-168. [pdf] |
2009 |
Bookreview of: And a time to die. How
American hospitals shape the end of life. (Sharon R. Kaufman) Medische
Antropologie 21 (2): 317-319. [pdf] |
2002 |
Respect and reciprocity: Care of elderly
people in rural Ghana. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology 17 (1):
[pdf] |
2001 |
Mensvijandige cultuur [Culture against
man]. Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschrift 28 (1): 41-43. [pdf] |
1995 |
Old people and funerals in a rural Ghanaian
community: Ambiguities in family care. Southern African Journal of
Gerontology 4 (2): 33-40. [pdf] |