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Books and special issues

2019 (editor with Ursula Read) Intimacy, morality, and precarity: Globalization and family care in Africa Insights from Ghana. Special issue Africa Today 65 (3).
2010 (editor with Anja Hiddinga, Jeannette Pols & Deanna Trakas) Care & health care. Special issue Medische Antropologie 22 (1). [link]
2010 (with Fuusje de Graaff, Anneke L. Francke & Maria E.T.C. van den Muijsenbergh) Communicatie en besluitvorming in de palliatieve zorg voor Turkse en Marokkaanse patiënen met kanker. Amsterdam, Spinhuis, UvA. [pdf]
2024 (with Coleta Platenkamp) Care as tyranny: Miscellaneous observations. Anthropology & Humanism 2024.[open access]
2021 Vies en walgelijk: De afstotelijke patiënt. In: Arko Oderwald et al. (red.) Anatomie van de patiënt. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom, pp. 155-162. [pdf]
2021 Spirit Children : Care, Uncertainty and Infanticide . Medicine Anthropology Theory 8 (1): 1 8. [pdf]
2020 (with Shahaduz Zaman) Look under the sheets! Fighting with the senses in relation to defecation and bodily care in hospitals and care institutions. Forthcoming in Medical Humanities.
2019 (with Ursula M. Read) Introduction to special issue on intimacy, morality, and precarity: Globalization and family care in Africa Insights from Ghana. Africa Today 65 (3): vii-xxi. [pdf]
2019 (with Jonathan M. Dapaah & Benjamin K. Kwansa) Avoided family care, diverted intimacy: How people with HIV find new kinship in two Ghanaian hospitals. In: Ursula Read & Sjaak van der Geest (eds) Intimacy, morality, and precarity: Globalization and family care in Africa Insights from Ghana. Special issue Africa Today 65 (3): 31-46. [pdf]
2018 Bookreview of:Care /Sorge: Konstruktion, Reproduktion und Auflösung bedeutsamer Bindungen (Tatjana Thelen) Medicine Anthropology Theory (MAT) 5 (4): 136-141. [pdf]
2017 (with Silvana Rugolotto & Alice Larotonda) How migrants keep Italian families Italian: Badanti and the private care of older people. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care 13 (2):185-197, [pdf]
2012 (with Fuusje M. de Graaff, Anneke L. Francke, Maria E.T.C. van den Muijsenbergh) Understanding and improving communication and decision-making in palliative care for Turkish and Moroccan immigrants: A multiperspective study. Ethnicity & Health 17(4):363-84. [pdf]
2012 (with Alexander de Graeff, Patrick Mistiaen, Fuusje de Graaf et al.) Palliatieve zorg voor mensen met een niet-westerse achtergrond: Een handreiking met adviezen. NTPZ Nederlands-Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Palliatieve Zorg 12(2): 4-20. [pdf]
2011 (with Mistiaen, P. et al.) Handreiking: Palliatieve zorg aan mensen met niet-westerse achtergrond. Utrecht: Nivel. [pdf]
2010 (with F.M. de Graaff, A.L. Francke & M.E.T.C. van den Muijsenbergh) 'Palliative care': a contradiction in terms? A qualitative study of cancer patients with a Turkish or Moroccan background, their relatives and care providers. BMC Palliative Care 9:19 [open access]
2010 Introducing Health and Health Care . Medische Antropologie 22 (1): 1-6. [pdf]
2009 (with A. Kleinman) Care in health care: Remaking the moral world of medicine. Medische Antropologie 21 (1): 159-168. [pdf]
2009 Bookreview of: And a time to die. How American hospitals shape the end of life. (Sharon R. Kaufman) Medische Antropologie 21 (2): 317-319. [pdf]
2002 Respect and reciprocity: Care of elderly people in rural Ghana. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology 17 (1): 3-31. [pdf]
2001 Mensvijandige cultuur [Culture against man]. Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschrift 28 (1): 41-43. [pdf]
1995 Old people and funerals in a rural Ghanaian community: Ambiguities in family care. Southern African Journal of Gerontology 4 (2): 33-40. [pdf]

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