Publications by topic - Traditional / alternative medicine
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2012 Discussing and testing efficacy: The never-ending debate about ‘traditional/alternative’ and ‘bio-medicines’. Revue Internationale sur le Médicament (RIM) 4 (1): 1-13. [pdf].
2010 (with Adèle Meulenbroek) Concretisering door metafoor en metonymia: Over de verbeelding, verklaring en ervaring van ziekte en genezing. Jaarboek Integrale Geneeskunde 2010/2011. Naar een geïntegreerde theorie van ziekte en gezondheid. Harderwijk: Stichting TIG, pp. 25-33. [pdf]
2007 (with Marcel J. H. Ariës, Hanneke Joosten & Harry H. J. Wegdam) Fracture treatment by bonesetters in central Ghana: Patients explain their choices and experiences. Tropical Medicine & International Health 12 (4): 564-574.[pdf]
2003 ‘Ziekte’: sociale en culturele voorstellingen. In: C.W. Aakster & J.W. Groothoff (red) Medische Sociologie: Sociologische perspectieven op ziekte en zorg. Groningen: Wolters-Noordhoff, pp. 47-55. [text]
2002 Integration or fatal embrace? The uneasy relationship between indigenous and Western medicine. Curare 25 (1+2): 155-159. (reprint of 1985) [pdf]
2000 Integrazione o abbraccio fatale? La difficile relazione tra la medicina indigena e la medicina occidentale. In: P. Schirripa & P. Vulpiani (eds) L 'ambulatorio del guaritore. Forme e oratiche
del confronto tra biomedicina e medicinar tradizionali in Africa e nelle Americhe. Lecce, ltalia: ARGO Editrice, pp. 55-66. (Translated from 'Integration or fatal embrace?', 1985). [pdf]
2000 The practicality of metaphors and metonyms: Illness and medicines in Burkina Faso and beyond. In: W. Geissler & L. Meinert (eds) Proceedings of Workshop on People and Medicines in East Africa. Copenhagen: Danish Bilharziasis Laboratory, pp. 45-54. [text]
1997 Is there a role for traditional medicine in basic health services in Africa? A plea for a community perspective. Tropical Medicine & International Health 2 (9): 903-11. [pdf]
1996 (with D.E. Moerman et al.) Placebo effects and research in alternative and conventional medicine. Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine 2 (2): 141-48. [pdf]
1995 The efficacy of traditional medicine (and biomedicine). In: K van der Velden et al. (eds) Health matters: Pubic health in North-South perspective. Houten/Diegem: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum, pp. 360-5. [pdf]
1993 (with Adčle Meulenbroek) Metaphors, metonyms and homeopathy: Terms of illness and therapy among Mossi people in Burkina Faso. Curare 16 (3/4): 285-90. [pdf]
1992 Is paying for health care culturally acceptable in Sub Saharan Africa? Money and tradition. Social Science & Medicine 34 (6): 667 73. [pdf]
1989 (with A. Krumeich) Preventie en cultuur: een voorbeeld uit Suriname. In: S. van der Geest & G. Nijhof (eds) Ziekte, gezondheidszorg en cultuur. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, pp. 39-48. [pdf]


1985 Integration or fatal embrace? The uneasy relationship between indigenous and Western medicine. Curare 8 (1): 9-14. [see reprint 2002]
1985 De verdwijning van medische tradities in ontwikkelingslanden. Imwoo Bulletin 13 (3): 10-12. [pdf]
1979 The doctor and the herbalist: Views by Ghanaian school pupils. In: S. van der Geest & K.W. van der Veen (eds) In search of health: Essays in medical anthropology. Amsterdam: Antropologisch Sociologisch Centrum, pp. 91-110. * [pdf]

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